Welcome to

Hello… We’re so glad you found us!  

At Witness 2 Nations Ministries, we are committed to help build you up and assist you to discover your inheritance which is stored in God’s Word. Our practical teaching of the Word of God will stir you up and cause you to find, follow and fulfill God’s will for your life. We want to see you run your race with joy and victory so that at the end of your days you will, like the Apostle Paul, have no regrets.  

We are fully persuaded that there is no sin so black that the blood of Jesus cannot blot out; and no life so bleak that the love of God cannot transform. You can live the life you were born to live. The practical life application resources on this site will get you started on your transformation journey, motivate you and fortify you for the Master’s cause. 

Ministry Events

We hold different events during the year. Our annual Reclaimed Women’s Conference being the most popular.

Ministry Areas

These are some of the main areas of our ministry

Marriage can be enjoyed, not endured, when we follow God's blueprint. MarriageCord is our ministry arm dedicated to building great marriages. 

You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free (John 8:38). We invite you to browse our resource library for Ayodola's messages and our list of recommended books, CDs, etc. to help you excel in life, ministry and the marketplace.

Our shareable images of inspirational quotes that can be shared with your friends on FaceBook, Instagram, Pinterest etc.

Become a Partner

We invite you to partner with us 

22525 80 Ave.
NW Edmonton,
T5T 7H8


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