April is here and spring is in the air! Our topic for this month’s newsletter is – ‘The Way of Life’. It is true that when we made Jesus the Lord of our lives, we found the Way; Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). However, the topic is not about Jesus, the Way but about the ‘way of life’. When you chose Jesus the Way, you entered a way of life that should lead you to your inheritance and destiny and should make you stand out as the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16).
What do I mean by the ‘way of life’? is a road, track, path, or street for traveling when I say, ‘way of life’ what I am saying is, ‘the road, track, path or street of life’. The question that I am asking you to consider is this – ‘what road, track, path or street of life are you traveling ?’.
I ask this question to provoke thought because we get so wrapped up in the business of living that we forget to be intentional about the way we are living life. We need to each stop and take stock or reflect on our ways of our life, the roads we are traveling on in our homes, careers, relationships, etc.; where each road is taking us (its destination). This is important because it is only as you stay intentional and attuned to your paths in life that you can look to God for the wisdom to make the adjustments necessary to stay on the pathways God has for your life (James 1:5).
Determine to be on the right paths and if you are not there yet you need to change or make changes. It takes a quality decision. A quality decision is one that is made based on what God’s Word says about the issue and one which God will fully back up. on Proverbs 16:9, James 3:17 and Jeremiah 33:3. Make one decision at a time and watch God back you up.
Some of you may remember that old time song, “I’m Available to You”. The songwriter talks about God using each of us to show someone else the way. As you walk in the paths of your life, are you a light? Are you showing someone else the way? Can others look into your life and want what you have – the relationship and fellowship with God? God intends for your life to be so attractive to others and He is counting on you being a light to the others in your world.
What is your world? Where you live, where you work and where you play. We each have a world that is unique to us and people God has designed for our lives to intersect with. You are the bible that those in your world read. You are important and you are a vital part of God’s end-time plan and move. After all, Jesus has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation. We each have a role to play. What God does on the earth, He does through us. Why? because we are people of great influence. As this month unfolds, remember, your story and life journey are not yours alone.
Yours in His service,
Ayodola & the W2NM Team